It is raining today on Maui Island, so finally have some time for downloading photos and videos.Here is short memory from elephant visit in Cambodian Sen Monorom.

Mum, it is like Mauritius – said Szymon when we left the airport building on Hawaii’s Oahu island. The air smells the same, palms, plumeria trees and banyans. Same temperature and finally the same, amazing colour of the ocean. But where are the Hawaiians? We left Osaka on Monday evening and arrived same Monday but […]

From Tokyo we moved to Nikko, to see the mausoleum of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was cold as f@#k and there was still snow here and there. Then back to Tokyo and on to the western park of the island, to Kanazawa. More and more kilometers of temples, traditional houses of merchants and samurai. Szymon […]

Our visit to Japan is very intensive. Our phones told us that since leaving Hakone we were walking on average over 12 kilometers every day with an all time record of more than 18 kilometers one day in Kyoto. It is even more amazing when you realize that Szymon is hyperactive and running all the […]

First impressions upon arrival to Japan was overwhelming. How clean, orderly and organized. So quiet! And so easy to do everything. And cold again – Tytus loves it. The standard of hostels is light years ahead of those we stayed in so far. More people speak english than I expected and prices and not as […]

The atmosphere of the place and people we met in Santa Juliana made us not want to leave. So far the only bad thing in the Philippines is food. Same as Indonesia – chicken, rice, chicken, rice. For breakfast traditionally pork. Or chicken. With rice. Or noodles. And so many fastfoods. Local incarnation of McDonalds […]
First of April (and it is not the Fools Day) it’s been six months since we left home. When we were planning our journey, I was wondering what we will be doing in Asia for so long? It passed in the blink of an eye and at the same time it feels like a few […]

*Warning! This post contains disturbing and drastic photos. Watch on your own responsibility! We forgot this is Easter time and we may have problems finding accommodation. In fact it is even worse than Coron. Simple there is nothing available, nothing, zero. I checked all resorts,hotels, hostels, guesthouses and everything is booked. Every single room. […]

First time in this trip we have problems finding accommodation. Everything is either booked, looks like a dirty den or is way above our budget. The town of Coron is very crowded and very loud. The main street is an endless line of tricycles, mopeds and tourists on the sidewalk. I can hear Polish language […]

There are over 7000 islands on The Philippines archipelago. It is difficult to decide where to go. We start with Bohol. A small town of Jagna like every other one on the island is basically a main street, a town hall, big church, a football field under a roof and a marketplace. All these towns […]